緩步動物將為每項收款開立收據,並以電子郵件方式寄送。 本單位開立之課程活動收據效力等同發票。 贊助捐款收據(Future | 支持的所有項目)可抵免所得稅額,請提供全名、身分證字號,或抬頭、統一編號,此為必填欄位,麻煩協助作業。
Moss Piglets will issue and email a receipt upon every transaction. Our donation receipt (for all items from the section Future | Support) can be used for tax deduction. Please provide your full Tax ID info to proceed with the payment process smoothly.
退貨退款條款 Return and Refund
服務條款 Terms of Service
隱私權條款 Privacy Policy
台灣國內支付請選擇綠界,跨國支付請選擇 Paypal
Domestic payment in Taiwan please go for Ecpay, cross border payment please go for paypal.