
Mycelium Academy



2023. 9 - 2024. 1



Workshop Series

2023. 9 - 2024. 1

Taipei, Miaoli, Chile 

2023 年度計畫縱覽 Annual Program Overview


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2023 Mycelium Academy



系列活動的內容,透過不同合作者、藝術家的提案、研究與引導,交織為層層疊疊的知性感性兼併的活動事件:《24小時睡眠實驗:蟄伏網路演習》採用生物實驗手段,讓參與者體驗特殊的睡眠、休憩、蟄伏狀態並試想人類的生理、文化社會性冬眠可能,在調頻身體感知與代謝率之際,達到與自然節律平衡的嘗試。《一起變成菇》則透過讀書會、採集、品嚐、手作等方案,理解菌菇的生態與可能的真菌生活實踐啟發。《心智皮膚譜記:我們的 36,000 種蕈菇性/別》探索觸覺語言與知識生產的空間,挪借真菌的生殖特性來強調觸覺信息的重要性,由肢體練習和向量分析過程來描繪集體共感的內外樣貌。《複數水》與《心智皮膚譜記:無聲之手》則在智利深海基金會的 Bosque Pehuén 森林保育區得天獨厚的自然環境裡,進行多重感知開發、冥想練習及共生關係想像與建構。年度活動的最終場《南方墾殖合作社》則是以研究性桌遊的方式邀請參與者回訪台灣日治時期墾殖年代,在種植、加工、開發的競爭活動之中,體驗政治、經濟、環境生態等之間的張力,由此反思人類與自然協作共存的意義。








藝術家與合作者:黃鼎云、陳業亮、Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriguez、那個山屋、陳科廷、雜草稍慢、王永安、蘇郁心、吳其育、鄭文琦

攝影:莊博堯、王永安、呂岱如、Josefina Astorga

協力:劉宣妤、Maya Errazuriz、Bernardita Perez

場地:柏竺山莊、那個山屋、雜草町、寶藏巖國際藝術村、Fundación Mar Adentro, Bosque Pehuén, Chile、紀州庵文學森林



The Mycelium Academy adapts art as its framework to propose situational, game-like multi-sensory learning, alongside cross-cultural and interdisciplinary co-learning strategies. The myceliem refers to the complex system formed by fungal mycelia in the soil interacting with various species to transmit messages, communicate, and exchange and redistribute nutrients, forming diverse symbiotic and parasitic cross-species community relationships. These systems also display various mutually beneficial computational abilities, serving as a metaphorical space and platform for symbiotic and cooperative learning.


The series of activities interweave intellectual and affective layers through the proposals, research, and guidance of different collaborators and artists. 24 hrs Sleep Experiment: Hibernation into the Mycelium World employs biological experimental methods to let participants experience special states of sleep, rest, and hibernate while exploring the physiological and socio-cultural potential of human hibernation, aiming to balance natural rhythms by adjusting body perception and metabolic rates. Let’s Become Fungal uses reading group, foraging, tasting, and crafting to understand the ecology of fungi and inspire potential fungal life practices. Mind-Skin Code: On Our 36,000 Fungal Sexes explores the space of haptic language and knowledge production, using the reproductive traits of fungi to emphasize the importance of tactile information through physical exercises and vector analysis to depict the inner and outer aspects of collective empathy. On Waters and Mind-Skin Code: The Silent Hands take place in the unique natural setting of Bosque Pehuén, a forest conservation area in Chile, where participants engage in multi-sensory development, meditation practices, and the imagining and building of symbiotic relationships. The final event of the year, Southern Co-op, uses a research-based board game to invite participants to revisit the colonial era of Japanese-ruled Taiwan, experiencing the tensions between politics, economics, and environmental ecology through competition in planting, processing, and development, reflecting on the meaning of human and nature coexisting cooperatively.


These workshops emphasize bodily participation and sensory development while borrowing from diverse knowledge systems to create new logical thought processes; using unfamiliar senses and awareness to redefine one's relationship with the world—questioning what it means to be together and what defines a community.


Moss Piglets operates and hopes that these co-learning programs will offer participants nourishing thoughts and creative actions that can ferment and regenerate within their life experiences; life itself becomes a classroom without walls, forming a dynamic process of creating situations and events.



Curator: Esther Lu

Artist and collaborator: Huang Ding-Yun, Henry Tan, Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriguez, Chen Szu Han, Keting Chen, Weed Day, Wang Yung An, Su Yu Hsin, Wu Chi-Yu, Rikey Tenn,

Photographer: Chuang Po Yao, Wang Yung An, Esther Lu, Josefina Astoraga

Special thanks to Christina Liu, Maya Errazuriz, Bernardita Perez

Venue: Bo Zhu Villa, the Place x there, Grassland, Treasure Hill, Kishu An Forest of Literature


The program is sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation